Poker Combos Calculator
- Combination Calculator Use this calculator to easily calculate the number of combinations given a set of objects (types) and the number you need to draw from the set. What is a combination?
- Flopzilla is a poker calculator that has been designed to let you quickly and easily figure out how a range hits a board. Just enter a preflop range and a board and Flopzilla will work out for you how often that range hits hands like top pair, middle pair, a flushdraw, a gutshot, etc.

Combonator is not your average equity calculator. Instead of having to select one range then click calculate to wait for answers, Combonator allows you to quickly select and divide a hand range into one or more groups using manual and automatic selections.
A poker odds calculator is a piece of poker software that lets you run any scenario that you might see at a poker table. You can fill in your own hand and calculate the chances of you winning. The poker combinations calculator will help you calculate the poker hands of your opponents, sort the poker hand rankings by strength and tell you the exact chance of getting a royal flush. This software, like the turn tracker, is used by all advanced users to gain an advantage.
See equities, combination counts, and hand value breakdowns: instantly. Combonator will help you learn flop textures, how ranges split up on boards, how equities shift on turn and river cards. Join thousands of poker players using Combonator to learn and improve their Hold'em strategy.
Get started in three easy steps:
First, we start with a preflop range.
Get started by selecting a preflop range for the scenario you are analyzing. Custom rankings, saved ranges, and advanced selections means it only takes a couple of seconds to get started.
Poker Combos Calculator Table

Poker Combos Calculator Games
Then, we can assign this range into groups.
Add in the board, then you can assign this preflop range into one or more colored groups. This can be done manually in the hand grid or with the extensive auto-selection tools available.
No waiting around. Get results instantly.
Get output for an individual group, or all groups: combination counts, equities against hero's hand, and hand values in the range. Data updates instantly as you work! No calculate buttons, no waiting. Explore ranges and scenarios organically and intuitively.