Table Poker Neopets

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If so, this Word Poker is the perfect game for you! Captain Roundhoof’s training school on Krawk Island (yes the same place you would go to train your neopet) is now accepting new students, and this here the study guide that will never let you fail! Word Poker Basic Instructions. There are a total of 6 rounds in Word Poker. Round Table Poker Shapeshifter Symol Hole Turdle Racing Turmaculus Ultimate Bullseye II Ye Olde Petpets Darigan Citadel Cellblock Darigan Citadel Colouring Pages Darigan Toys Lord Darigan's Chambers Minions of Darigan Petpet Battles.

  1. Round Table Poker Neopets
  2. Round Table Poker Neopets Cheats
  3. Round Table Poker Neopets
  4. Round Table Poker Neopets

Round Table Poker

Your objective is to win more money, during the course of a set number of hands of poker, than the other four opponents in your tournament round. Once those four opponents have been defeated, you'll advance to the next round. As you move on to higher tournament levels, the rewards, as well as your opponents' skill, will continue to increase.

Round ## HandsNP CostNP Award
* Bonus level: High score table is activated.
Score is total winnings after 16 hands

How to win a single hand of poker:

Play begins with each player adding his ante to the pot. Each player then receives five cards face down, followed by the first betting interval. A different player starts the betting each round. A player may check (make no bet) or bet if no one has previously made a bet. Otherwise, a player must call (match the previous bet), raise (add one more bet), or fold (removing cards from current hand). Players who do not fold after the first betting interval then choose which (if any) of the five cards they want to discard (4 cards maximum). You can select the card you want to discard by clicking on it. Once you've selected the card(s) that you want to get rid of, you can discard them by pressing the discard button.

The dealer then deals cards to replace the players' discarded cards. The second (and final) betting interval takes place after each player has discarded. The same betting rules apply, however bets made in the second interval are double the amount of those in the first round. After the final betting interval, all the players who haven't folded will show their cards. The player with the highest-ranking hand of five cards wins. If hands tie, the pot is split.

The hand-rankings go as follows:

  1. Straight flush
  2. Four of a kind
  3. Full house
  4. Flush
  5. Straight
  6. Three of a kind
  7. Two Pair
  8. One Pair
  9. High card
  • Straight flush
    Five cards in sequence in the same suit. If two straight flushes compete, the hand with the highest-ranking cards in the flush sequence wins.

    For example: A-K-Q-J-10 (Royal flush) beats K-Q-J-10-9. Also, 6-5-4-3-2 beats 5-4-3-2-A.

    The royal flush is the highest standard hand and beats all others.


  • Four of a kind
    Any four cards of the same rank, such as four 9s. If two players have four of a kind, the hand with the four higher cards wins. Four of a kind beats a full house or any lower hand.


  • Full house
    Three of a kind and a pair. The full house with the highest-ranking three of a kind wins against another full house with a lower-ranking three of a kind. A full house beats a flush or any lower hand.


  • Flush
    A hand of any five cards where all five cards are of the same suit. A flush with the highest-ranking cards beats another flush hand. If the highest cards from each players' hands tie, the next highest-ranking cards determine the winner, and so on. A flush beats a straight or any lower hand.


  • Straight
    A hand of any five cards in sequence, but not of the same suit. The straight with the highest-ranking cards at the head of the sequence is the winner against another straight hand. The highest possible straight is A-K-Q-J-10. The lowest possible straight is 5-4-3-2-A. NOTE: Q-K-A-2-3 is NOT considered a straight since an ace must be at either be at the beginning or end. A straight beats three of a kind or any lower hand.


  • Three of a kind
    Three cards of the same rank, such as three 8s. The highest-ranking three cards win against another three of a kind hand. Three aces are the highest; three 2s are the lowest. Three of a kind beats Two Pair, or any lower hand.


  • Two Pair
    Two separate combinations of two cards of the same rank. The hand with the highest-ranking pair wins against another hand that has Two Pair. If the highest-ranking pairs tie, the hand with the second highest-ranking pair wins. If all the pairs in both hands tie, then the hand with the highest-ranking fifth card wins. Two Pair beats any hand with one pair, or no pair (high card).


  • One Pair
    Any two cards of the same rank. The hand with the highest-ranking pair wins against another hand with a pair. If both hands have the same pair, the highest-ranking unmatched card in the hand determines the winner. If the highest-ranking unmatched cards tie, the next highest-ranking unmatched cards are compared, and so on. One pair beats any hand with no pair (high card).


  • High card
    A hand with no matched cards. With two competing high card hands, the hand with the highest-ranking card wins. If the highest-ranking unmatched cards tie, the next highest-ranking unmatched cards are compared, and so on.


Neopets Nerkmid Guide

Elise KozlerNerkmids… Nerkmids. Nerkmids! o_0
a page filled with information about them…

What are nerkmids?

I quoteth Neopets:

Nerkmids are a type of currency used to pay for the Alien Vending Machine located in the Neopian Bazaar.

In other terms- there’s a vending machine owned by alien aishas (more about them later). You insert a nerkmid of any sort (the rarer the nerkmid the better the prize I suppose) into it. Press a few buttons and levers and voila! You have now received something worthy (a paint brush perhaps) or something er… not so worthy (gross food worth 10 NP)! ^^; So now that you know what nerkmids are, when did they appear? Who are alien aishas? Read on…

The History of Nerkmids

Info found from the Old News Archive.

July 10th 2000 — Nerkmids now can be found through a random event. There’s a mention of an Alien Aisha Vending Machine, but it didn’t exist. yet.

July 13th 2000 — The chance of getting a nerkmid has improved “threefold”. The Alien Aisha Vending Machine will be working in a couple of hours.

May 12th & 13th 2001 — There was a Super Vending Machine where you still needed to use the nerkmids, but it dispensed apparently rare food, collectable cards, and NP (etc.?). There was a link to it, but it was broken. x(

May 14th 2001 — You could get a golden nerkmid in the Super Vending Machine.

May 24th 2001 — Same mention as for May 14th 2001.

June 7th 2001 — Following Saturday will be last day to get your golden and platinum nerkmids from the Super Vending Machine.

June 14th 2001 — Trophies are given out (and still are today).

January 28th 2002 — Prizes have improved.

December 4th 2002 — Alien Aishas have come up with new recipes (more gross foods galore to be won from the Vending Machine).

January 2nd 2004 — The Alien Aisha avatar is released. *cough* *cough* rise in nerkmids *cough* *cough*

Buying Nerkmids

There are quite a few things you should consider before buying a nerkmid.
1.) Have at least 100k 2.) Overcome your fear of spending at least 100k for a nerkmid that may get you a gross food which you will sell for 200 NP
If you have these things, continue on, reading…


Decide on where to buy the nerkmids. The Shop Wizwas the fastest way of buying a nerkmid years ago when nerkmids were actually buyable. Now, they are mostly available on the trading post or auctions.

Auctions: People might auction off nerkmids for cheaper prices so if you are patient, you might find a good deal there. You just have to err… outbid those who want that nerkmid, too.

Trading Post: This is where the nerkmids will usually be. If you have valuable items, like codestones, that are easy to sell, you might be able to pay less in actual np. If not, then you’ll have to dish out the current going price of nerkmids. Inflation is inevitable. Over the years, prices have steadily increased. I won’t post any set amount, because then I’ll keep having to update this page that still gets small amount of views daily. :)

Shop Wizard: It’ll probably take you some time, and not to mention quite a bit of luck, to find a nerkmid that is buyable now (99,999 np or less). Since nerkmids can be found in random events, people who do not know their current worth can get them and sell them in their shops. Of course, this is sad for them, but good for you. Before buying a nerkmid, you might want to check the shop wizard first and see if luck is on your side. Good luck. :)


So, now, there’s the question to what nerkmid you should buy. It’s said that the better the nerkmid the better the prize, but I’ve used a Magical Golden Nerkmid and got a paint brush. When I’ve used an Ultra Nerkmid, I got a gross food worth 250 NP so in my opinion, it’s all luck (or maybe whatever levers and buttons you press).

Here is a list of all nerkmids. I’d say the golden ones are cheaper than the others. Check the trading post to compare prices before buying.
List compiled thanks to the use of the NeoItems Items Database.

Basic Golden Nerkmid
Normal Golden Nerkmid
Magical Golden Nerkmid
Ultra Golden Nerkmid
Golden Nerkmid XX
Lesser Nerkmid
Average Nerkmid
Good Nerkmid
Super Nerkmid
Ultra Nerkmid
Ultimate Nerkmid
Ultra Platinum Nerkmid
Normal Platinum Nerkmid
Basic Platinum Nerkmid
Platinum Nerkmid XX
Platinum Nerkmid X
Magical Platinum Nerkmid

Using Nerkmids

Once, you buy your precious nerkmid, you, of course, have to use it! Go to the Alien Aisha Vending Machine and under the machine there will be a button, so press that.

It will say,
Put a Nerkmid in the machine, and it will dispense rare and exotic foods for your pet. Press the buttons and push the levers for a chance to get a rarer treat!

The Beautiful Vending Machine

The machine will ask you some questions which you will have to answer in order to use the nerkmid properly. Here are the questions… The text in brackets — [ and ] — tell what you can choose from the dropdown menu that’s next to the question being asked.

Round table poker neopets

Which nerkmid do you use? [ –choose nerkmid that you bought– ]

Which large button do you press? [ 1, 2, or 3 ]

Which small button do you press? [ Left green, Left red, Left pink, Right red, Right blue, Right purple ]

How many times do you press it? [ 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 ]

How many levers do you pull? [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 ]

As you can probably see, the questions being asked are totally related to the machine’s look itself (i.e. There are 6 levers.}.

Getting a better prize is in my opinion just pure luck so don’t get all logical with your answers.


Round Table Poker Neopets

The best thing about using a nerkmid is to come after using it! The prizes after all! Here I will tell you want prizes you can win from the Alien Aisha Vending Machine.

Note: Each time you use a nerkmid, you will get NPand an item.

NP: You will receive a certain amount of neopoints. I’ve gotten as little as 49 NP! [ see also trophy part ]

Gross foods: Alien aishas are experts in gross foods and they adore giving them out as prizes. What you necessarily think of them is your point of view, but usually gross foods sell for very little.

Gourmet foods: Some gross foods are also gourmet foods!

Paint brushes: When an alien aisha runs out of gross foods and you’re lucky enough, you can get a paint brush or a petpet paint brush! As for what type, you can probably get any kind of paint brush. I’ve seen a person get a Plushie Paint Brush! I’ve gotten a Grey Paint Brush from the Alien Aisha Vending Machine so anything is possible.

Bottled Faeries: Again, if the alien aishas run out of gross foods, you may receive a bottled faerie. I know, these are usually quite a bummer because youcould have received a paint brush or at least another nerkmid. Instead, you received a bottled faerie which, depending on its type, is worth around 4k on the Shop Wiz. At least it’s better than a gross food, right? D:

Nerkmids: Just like when an alien aisha runs out of gross foods, you may receive another nerkmid. Most nerkmids are unbuyables and their prices vary, but you can sell them for a nice profit! Or of course, you can try your luck at the vending machine… again.

Alien Aisha Avatar: If it’s your first time using a nerkmid, you will get the Alien Aisha Avatar! Besides that, you will of course get NP and an item. This is basically the reason nerkmids are gradually inflating. You can thank the new users and the avatar. :)

Trophy: If you’re lucky, you can receive a Vending Machine Trophy. Click here for the high scores. The high scores are the amount of NP you received from the vending machine. If you are aiming for this pretty nice trophy, buy a nerkmid ahead of time, safekeep it until the monthly reset scores which come when a new month begins. Why? It’ll be a lot easier to achieve a high score during that time than when using a nerkmid any other time of the month. Good luck!

Alien Aishas

What can we find out about alien aishas? Where are they from? Who are they? The answers to these questions and many more will be answered to the best of my ability. xD

Captain Xelqued

An alien aisha who was a part of the Aisha Myriad plot (the leader probably). Read all about it here. He has a collectable card dedicated to him which says, I quoteth,
Artifact hunter extraordinaire, Captain Xelqued managed to unlock the secrets of the Hidden Tower and created the legendary Aisha Myriad!
Observation notes: The Alien Aishas have a lab back “home”.

Round Table Poker Neopets Cheats

Was a part of the Aisha Myriad plot.

Gargon IV

On his collectable card it says, I quoteth,
Gargon is an Alien Aisha explorer, he roams the galaxy in his endless search to find new ingredients for the vending machine recipes.
Observation notes: Looks a lot like the alien aisha that always greets Neopians at the Alien Aisha Vending Machine.

Arlhox VII

On his collectable card it says, I quoteth,
When decisions need to be made, the Alien Aishas turn to their supreme commander Arlhox VII. This quick witted leader hasnt failed them yet.
Observation notes: The sky is a dark red with lots of stars glittering. Arlhox VII is green. The alien aishas are also green.

Shreegla VI

On his collectable card it says, I quoteth,
Shreegla’s research means he often has to venture into the unknown. Sadly what he finds is not always pleasant.
Observation notes: Is the red planet their home? What did Shreegla VI find? There’s a crescent moon in the distance. Shreegla VI also resembles the Alien Aisha that greets Neopians at the vending machine.

Farlax V

On his collectable card it says, I quoteth,
Farlax loves to explore new territory and is always seeking new locations for Alien Aisha Vending machines. His dream is to have a Vending Machine in every galaxy.
Observation notes: There’s more than one vending machine. There’s life outside of Neopia’s galaxy.

Round Table Poker Neopets

Beerlap III

Beerlap’s collectable card says, I quoteth,
Brave, quick witted and full of adventure, Beerlap is not afraid to be the first Alien Aisha to set foot on a new planet.
Observation notes: Beerlap III is blue. There’s another planet somewhere out there.

Round Table Poker Neopets

Other alien aishas?

There’s a whole population of them that we still don’t know about. Will they take over Neopia someday? Read all about it in ‘Alien Aisha Invasion’.