Is Gambling A Biblical Sin

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Billions of dollars are spent each year on gambling, particularly in the United States. By definition, gambling is the wagering of something of value, generally money, on a game or event. While those who play it love it, it is an activity that is heavily criticized by some. Many people who gamble don’t see it as being morally wrong.

The one time gambling is mentioned in the Bible was for an evil purpose. It was when the Roman guards gambled over Jesus’ garment at the crucifixion (John 19:23-24). The Bible does not mention gambling per se, at least not in the sense of a command 'thou shalt not gamble.' But, the Bible does contain numerous principles that undeniably apply to gambling. The Bible warns us to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5). Gambling is not singled out as a sin in the Bible, but it is pretty clear that “get rich quick” schemes are not wise, and gambling is the chief get rich quick method! Question: 'Is gambling a sin? What does the Bible say about gambling?' Answer: The Bible does not specifically condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery.The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5).

Whether you gamble or not, most can agree that there is a dark side to it and many risks. The more you bet, the darker the path you go down is. People don’t realize when they actively gamble is how money can really become an idol, one that we begin to worship. Here are six signs gambling is your idol.

You Feel a Sense of Greed

One of the reasons gambling is an idol and can be dangerous is because it is motivated by greed. Generally, the goal of casinos and other gambling institutions is to get a lot of money quickly. Usually, they accomplish this goal well, and it becomes a lucrative business. The gambling industry’s goal isn’t just to get money but to get money quickly, without giving a good product or beneficial service in return. The industry thrives on quick cash, which manifests covetousness. God’s law forbids this, and the love of money is something God warns us about. First Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Be mindful of this greed and the role it can play in your heart.

You’re Addicted

Is Gambling A Biblical Sin Against


A big sign gambling is your idol is when it’s compulsive and addicting. It becomes such an addiction that most of your spare time is spent gambling in one form or another. When you’re traveling or on vacation, those trips are taken up with visits to the casinos. The heavier your addiction to gambling is, the easier it is to neglect the important things in your life, like your job, your family, and even your faith life. You begin to sin by wasting money and your possessions. The money that comes in your hand goes right out the door, trying to chase that next win. Some people get so lost in gambling that they will sell or pawn off their belongings just so they have more money to put into gambling. When those resources disappear, they may even begin to swindle or steal money to keep the habit up. This is very dangerous territory to be in.

You Don’t Believe it’s Morally Wrong

The gambling industry is immoral in many ways. Those who connect to the gambling industry benefit from the money coming in. This includes those who sponsor casinos, bingo parlors, lotteries, and other spots where gambling is permitted. Many people wonder what is wrong with benefiting from gambling. We are generally told that gambling is a good thing because of all the money from gambling that goes into social causes. Some of this includes the excess money from state lotteries that support the state education system. Some will even say that putting money into gambling is an investment in our children. Then, because casinos are generally willing to pay of percentage of their earnings to local communities, some see the funds as really helping the community. What’s wrong with making a positive contribution to society and even lowering taxes? The thought is that the end justifies the means, and this motive alone excuses the act. Yet, no matter how we spin it, it is morally wrong. There are many other ways to put money back into our communities that do not involve gambling our money away. Consider giving back in positive ways.

You Lose Yourself in It

If you find yourself turning your check over to the casinos, it may just be your idol. We should make some important distinctions between what gambling is and is not. Gambling isn’t signing up or registering for a free gift when we’re scrolling through ads or sites online. These sign ups simply place people in a position to receive something given away, and the person who is doing the giveaway is selecting a recipient. When someone is gambling, they are taking big chances with their money, the kind of changes that can cause you to lose yourself.

You Begin to Break Biblical Principles

One of the reasons Christians shouldn’t partake in gambling is because it breaks several biblical principles that are key to our lives. Living a Christian life is doing things that express faith in God. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” We are called as Christians to love our neighbor, not to gain from someone else’s loss. We should do everything in our power to avoid greed and covetousness. We should keep our hearts away from the love of money because of God’s presence in our lives. We should know that everything we have has been given to us by God, and we should glorify Him in an honorable way. If you begin to break these biblical principles, gambling may be your idol.

The money and possessions we have are gifts from God. They should be used to glorify Him. It is our duty as Christians to use those services wisely. In the end, compulsive gambling is a sin and can lead us far away from God. There are very few sincere Bible-believing Christians who would disagree. Gambling is sinful for those who are addicted to it. When you put your heart in gambling, you are also placing the love, desire, and thrill of making money over God, which is ultimately the definition of idolatry. If gambling is getting in the way of your finances and relationships, it’s time to take a step back.


I am sure you have heard the terms: Raffle, Bingo, Scratch n’ win, Lottery, or Gaming? Have you ever made a “wager” on the outcome of a sporting event? Our country is obsessed with gambling. The top three addictions in our society are alcohol, drugs, and gambling. The promises are “thousands” here, and “millions” there, and you know “somebody’s got to win”—however the reality is that millions of dollars are gambled and lost before anyone ever walks away with money.


Does the Bible condemn such gambling? We must search the scriptures and then we will know what God expects of us in this and any other situation. Not every sin has a “thou shall not”, but the Bible does tell us how to develop our senses in order to discern both good and evil (Heb 5:12-14).


The Bible condemns gambling on its principles. What is the agenda of gambling? On the part of the Lottery Business: to feed on the public’s greed and to have more ticket revenue, than prize payout (barely more than half of the ticket revenue is ever paid out in winnings). The public who plays the lottery, or gambling of any kind, is attempting to get something for nothing, and to get as much money as possible for as little effort as possible.

The Bible speaks clearly on these things. Greed is covetousness, look at greed in the light of the scriptures: Romans 1:28-32 “such a little sin?” It is mentioned here along with “haters of God”. Ephesians 4:17-24 instructs us to no longer walk as those that are given over to greediness. 1 Timothy 6:10, to pursue “greediness” is to “stray from the faith”.

Is gambling a biblical sin in the bible

Is Gambling A Biblical Sin

What about getting something for nothing? The picture of the lottery is getting everything you ever wanted without any effort. From the time that man was driven out of the garden we were told that we must work for our sustenance (Gen 3:19). If a man does not work, he shouldn’t eat (2 Thess 3:10-12). There are people in this life that get things that they do not work for by taking advantage of others. They are called thieves. We are to work and receive our livelihood (1 Thess 4:11)

We Must Learn To Be Content

Why do you think that you need that much money? Are you not content with what God has given you? Do you think you deserve more than others? Not all of us are five talent people (Matt 25:14-30 “Each was given a measure according to their ability”). We are given according to our ability. We need to have the wise attitude of Agar in Proverbs 30: 7-9.

Become content: Learn to find your happiness in Christ, like Paul (Philip 4:9-13 ff; 1 Tim 6:6; Hebrews 13:5).

Trust In God

When a person desires to win the lottery they silently, but surely, proclaim: They have needs that God cannot meet (Matt 6:25-34). They want their treasures now on earth and not in Heaven (Mat 6:19-21). They don’t trust God (1 Tim 6:17).

We must develop our trust in God. The God of Heaven who, with the words of His mouth, spoke all things into existence. Who, by His own great power, was able to make this world from nothing, has promised to never forsake you or leave you (Heb 13:5).

Examine all the things that God has done for you in this life: your home, your health, your talents. As long as we have not wasted our talents or buried them, we all should be doing the best we can. God knows our needs (Matt 6:32). If we do not appreciate what we have been given we will squander it away and will not be able to meet our needs. The things that we waste are what we have received from God in order to meet those needs.

Is Gambling A Biblical Sin Meaning

Conclusion: Is gambling a sin? Is covetousness a sin? Is greed a sin? Is materialism a sin? Is the love of money the root of all kinds of evil? So an activity that involves all of those things is definitely a sin!

That “lottery ticket” says, “Buy me, one or two dollars is not going to break you”. Is that the point? If you have money to gamble, why not forget gambling it away and give it to the Lord, and see what great things He can accomplish with it.

We must trust in God to take care of us according to His will. And no, God does not will that you make personal gain through immoral, or inappropriate means. It simply boils down to a statement Jesus made one time in a garden, “Your will, not my will be done.” Be content with such things as you have and let not greed be once named among you.