Ingersoll Slot Cutter
Product Category: T-Slot - Description: T-Slot End Mill. Show Name Dates Location Website; Houstex Trade Show (SME) February 26-28, 2019. INGERSOLL 4' Slot Milling Cutter.500' Cutting Width (35J6E-04050D3R01) $475.00. ISCAR 5' Indexable Heavy Duty 90° Face Mill w/ Inserts 3M F90AX D5.
- New Products
Chip•Surfer Shoulder/Face mill 18F_
The proven exchangeable head system 'ChipSurfer“ is extended for the area of shoulder milling and face milling. The new shoulder and face mill series 18F_ combines process reliability and economy thanks to the increased number of cutting edges and the short, stable design. Exact 90 ° shoulders and an improved surface quality are guaranteed by the adapted cutting edge geometry. The new shoulder and face mill series 18F_ will cover the diameter range of Ø12/Ø16/Ø20 and Ø25 mm.

Chip•Surfer rough / finish mills 1.5XD
Ingersoll is expanding the application range of the proven exchangeable head system 'ChipSurfer“ by increasing the depth of cut vs. tool diameter ratio from the current 0.7xD to 1.5xD. The new milling heads are available in the diameter range Ø8/10/12/16/20/25 mm.
Chip•Surfer PCD tipped end mills and ball nose cutter
The PCD ChipSurfers complement the well-known ChipSurfer product line especially for series production in non-ferrous materials from Ø8 mm to Ø20 mm.
The PCD ChipSurfers are available as end mills as well as multi-tooth cutters and ball nose cutters for applications in 3D geometries.
The end mills 4DD_ are equipped in standard with 0.2 mm corner radius to achieve a low burr formation in aluminum casting alloys.
The toric tools have a corner radius of 1.0 mm to 4.0 mm The ball nose cutters with Ø16 mm and Ø20 mm can be used with Z = 2 as well as with Z=3.
Chip•Surfer Barrel-form end mill 48E_
The proven exchangeable head system 'ChipSurfer“ is extended for the area of finish machining with multiple axes. The new series of barrel-form end mills is designed to handle expecially long-lasting finishing operations with standard ball nose end mills or toric mills in less time while improving the surface quality. The high-precision ground barrel shape geometry is suitable for larger path offsets in semi-finishing and finishing operations.
The large radius creates a softer transition of the machined paths and thus a sensible, visible and measurable improved surface quality. The barrel-form end mills cover the diameter range Ø12 and Ø16 mm.
Inno•Fit I•Absorber prolongation vibration damped
Our proven InnoFit modular adaption system is expanded by a I·Absorber vibration damped prolongation for shell type milling cutter in the length of 200 mm. This new I·Absorber prolongation can be combined with all standardized spindle adaptors and solid prolongations.

The vibration damped prolongations are available for centering-Ø27, -Ø32 und -Ø40 mm at first in the modular Z5-size, i.e. outer Ø of 78mm, the smaller Z4-size with outer Ø of 61mm will follow soon in centering-Ø22 and Ø27.
Power•FeedMini Hi feed miling cutter 15G4D / 5G5D
New high feed milling cutter for rough milling in diameter range Ø 16 - 52 mm. Different insert geometries for machining of steel, cast iron and materials of material groups M (stainless steel), S (heat resistant and titanium alloys) and hardened materials of material group H up to 54 HRC. The new series will be available as screw-in type mills with diameter range Ø16 - Ø42, as shell-type mills in diameters Ø32 - Ø52 as well as cylindrical end mills in diameters Ø16 - Ø32.
Rapid•Tread Screw-in type circular thread mill MTED
The here presented screw-in type thread mills are an extension to the existing indexable RapidThread series MTED with inserts.
The cutter series is equipped with ChipSurfer adaption of sizes T06, T08, T10, T12 and T15, and is compatible with standard inserts of series LYEU in sizes 14, 21 and 30 mm of the actual milling catalog. The diameter range is 13.7 – 30.4 mm.

Gold•QuadF High feed milling cutter 15G1Q/5G_Q
New high feed milling cutter for roughing in diameter range Ø 50 – 160 mm. Various insert geometries for machining steel, cast iron and materials of material group M (stainless steel) and S (heat resistant and titanium alloys).
The expansion of the GoldQuadF high feed series will be available as Innofit versions with diameters Ø50 and Ø52 and as shell-type mills with diameters Ø63/Ø66/Ø80/Ø85/Ø100/Ø125/Ø160. To meet the different requirements of application all diameters are available in a fine and coarse pitch as standard tools.
Chip•Surfer ER-Collets for Chip•Surfer exchangeable head system
New series of monolithic collets with Ts-connection for Ingersoll's ChipSurfer exchangeable head system. This series will be available for any TS-sizes Ts05 - Ts15 in standard sizes ER11/ER16/ER20/ER25 and ER32. ER32-collets with cylindrical design are additionally equipped with internal coolant supply.
DiPos•Dekaμ Face milling system DM5E_/1DM1E_
Small, dynamic machine tools and minimal allowances increasingly determine the requirements for a modern face milling system for metal removal.
But also the trend toward complete machining on turning-milling centers often requires smaller tool dimensions than has hitherto been the case. Ingersoll now covers this range of applications with the new face milling system DiPosDekaμ.
Thyphoon•HSM High speed machining spindle TJS-HPC
HPC line of robust, compact high-speed spindles powered by high pressure coolant supply system of the machine tool up to 70 bar, for machining applications using small diameter cutting tools.
Chip•Surfer Finish Mill Lens-Shap 46D_ with IC
The proven exchangeable head system 'ChipSurfer' is extended for the area of finish machining with multiple axes.
The new finishing end mill in lens-shape is designed to handle expecially long-lasting finishing operations with standard ball nose end mills in less time while improving the surface quality. The high-precision ground front geometry is suitable for larger path offsets in semifinish and finish operations.

The large radius creates smoother transitions of the machined paths and thus an improved tactile, visible and measurable surface quality. The new finishing end mill will cover the diameter range Ø8/Ø10/Ø12/Ø16 and Ø20 mm. A special feature is the internal coolant supply, which is exactly directed into the machining area to improve the tool life significantly.
Rapid•Thread Circular Thread Mill 17Y1
The here presented circular thread mills of 17Y1 series with screw-in and Innofit adaption will replace the current catalog series 17Y1 with ABS adaption.
The screw-in and Innofit adaptions offer significant advantages over the ABS adaptions in terms of stability, accuracy and flexibility of the adaption systems. In many areas customers already use our screw-in and Innofit adaptions, so that no additional adaption system is explicitly required for the circular thread mills.
Micro•Mill FINISH MILLS 12F1D / 2F5D / 2F6D
When finishing we are often faced with unstable components or workpiece clampings. Therefore only with tools that generate very low axial cutting forces, the required surface qualities can be achieved here.
The only 1 mm short wiper flat of the new finish cutter is ideally suited for such conditions. Another interesting feature is the ability to realize an undercut into shoulders with this tool resp. to produce finish surfaces very close to contours. In order to be able to offer our customers a more attractive solution in terms of price, we are renouncing the cost-intensive cartridge design of 4W5D series and will only offer this as a special solution in the future.
Hi•Pos+ Precision insert BODT1304_
For some time, the BODT09 finishing insert has been part of the Ingersoll standard program and is becoming increasingly popular.
Reason enough for us to offer a suitable finishing insert for the BOMT13 range with the new BODT13. Since the BODT13 fits into existing milling tools, significantly finer surfaces can now be produced when milling flat surfaces and 90 ° shoulders.
Power•Max T-Slot mill 16T1A_Z
The new T-slot mills of series 16T1A_Z combine stability and process-reliability of a tangential system with the option of smooth cut due to the double-positive (radial and axial) geometry.
Ingersoll T-slot Cutter

The cutter series covers the T-slot sizes T22, T28 and T36 according to DIN 650 in the catalog standard. It is possible to cover further T-slot sizes with the existing selection of inserts.
Thyphoon•HSM High speed compact spindle GREENJET TJS GJET
Following the success of Typhoon products - coolant driven high speed compact spindles for small diameter tools - INGERSOLL is introducing the TyphoonHSM TJS GJET series of high speed spindles.
Ingersoll Indexable Slot Cutter
The new family is a step ahead in developing advanced small-sized spindles operated by the coolant supply system of a machine tool.
Ingersoll Slot Cutter
Gold•Max8 45° FACE MILL VN-K
The face milling cutters of series VN_K presented here are unique in their design: tangential cutting edge, 8-fold useable in one direction of rotation and with radial and axial positive mounting angle.
Chip•Surfer Expansion of End mill 45D_ / 46D_ with internal coolant supply
The existing catalog tools ChipSurfer 45D_ Z2 and 46D_ Z3 / non-ferrous geometry are expanded with tools that are equipped with internal coolant supply.
Gold•Quad T-Slot Mill 15T1_...W / 15T1_...Z
Our existing range of radial T-slot mills had some limitations and was therefore not suitable for some of our customers. In particular, corner radii specified in DIN 650 for T-slots have not yet been sufficiently considered. Especially when machining larger T-slots with more demanding cutting parameters the SDMT08/SDMW08 inserts have reached their stability limits.
With our GoldQuad inserts now we are able to offer the required corner radii as well as to achieve the necessary process reliability. Even for any desired special corner radii the GoldQuad inserts are ideally suited. Therefore we have decided to realign our range in this product segment.
Power•Max T-Slot mill 16T1A
The new T-slot mills of series 16T1A combine stability and process-reliability of a tangential system with the option of smooth cut due to the double-positive (radial and axial) geometry. The cutter series covers the T-slot sizes T22, T28 and T36 according to DIN 650 in the catalog standard. It is possible to cover further T-slot sizes with the existing selection of inserts.