Grand West Casino Ice Skating Prices
- Grand West Casino Ice Skating Prices 2020
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- Grand West Casino Ice Skating Prices Los Angeles
Please note that strict COVID 19 protocols will be in place
For your safety and the safety of others, please take a moment to complete the two mandatory health questionnaires BEFORE you get to the entrance.
To gain Access to the GrandWest complex before entering The Ice Station the following link will help speed up the process and should be done from your mobile device (screenshot the green page)

After that we wanted to go ice skating, but was too disappointed in all the trials we went through that we then decided to rather leave Grand West and go somewhere else. We went to Canal Walk and almost immediately got our food. I'm very disappointed and won't ever go to Grand West again because I literally wasted 1 and a half hours of my day. About Ice Skating at Grand West. Featuring an Olympic-size skating rink, the Ice Station at Grand West Family Entertainment Centre is home to action-packed adventure and affordable family fun - all year round. With bright lights and contemporary music adding to a festive vibe, The Ice Station offers energetic entertainment for kids, teenagers. Home to the only indoor ice-skating rink in the Western Cape, The Ice Station at GrandWest invites amateur and professional ice-skaters to hone their skating skills on an Olympic-sized rink. Open all-year round, ice skating at GrandWest is one of the most popular all-year-round activities enjoyed by kids and adults and makes for a fun afternoon. The Ice Station boasts an Olympic size skating rink and a mini supervised ice rink for children under five years old.

Then upon submitting our form (BELOW) you will receive an email confirmation of this Health status inquiry. Either print and bring to The Ice Station or show email on your mobile device to The Ice Station staff member on duty.
Screening and Registration is Mandatory for entry
NO mask, NO entry
Maintain a safe social distance to keep skaters and staff safe 2m Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance
The Ice Station will receive a cleanse after every session, in preparation for the next session

Remember to bring a form of identification
All times are subject to change
COVID-19 Health Screening Questionaire
We will be collecting items for the Brentwood Community Chest from opening day to Monday Dec 10,2020
•$15.00 per session W/skates
•$15.00 per session W/O skates

Masks and Covid 19 social distancing required
2 hour windows 90 minute skate, 30 minutes to allow for disinfect, restock, resurface
Limited to 50 skaters/spectators per session
Rent a Skate Buddy for $5 For 90 minutes. For beginning skaters under 4 feet tall (48”) we offer Skate Helpers, tools that glide with the skater along the ice and help with balance and control. For safety considerations Skate Helpers are rented at the discretion of Rink Management. Skaters must be able to stand on their own and push the Skate Helper by themselves. Our Skate Buddy's are much more stable then other competitors.
Support the Community Rink and Ice Skate Downtown Brentwood.
Special Thanks to Our 2019-2020Sponsors,Got A Party party rentals
Kendall Automotive Derksen Construction... Grace Heating and Air
Grand West Casino Ice Skating Prices 2020
110 Magazine
The Monthly Grapevine Minute Man Press
Tractor Supply
Exclusively Yours
Grand West Casino Ice Skating Prices Nj
without them we’d be on thin ice! With their generous support, Brentwood On Ice provides, our neighbors and visitors a holiday tradition like no other. Come skate and celebrate the season with us, and also consider supporting these companies that support us. For information on becoming a sponsor or partner, please call 925-516-7664. A special Thank you to the City of Brentwood. For their generous Grant.