Alpha Slot City Of Heroes

Posted on
2011-02-01 21:29:49 UTC

Alpha Slot City Of Heroes, blackjack probability formula, fiesta casino boecillo 28 diciembre, sam washburn poker. City of Heroes has offered up a few new details about its upcoming Incarnate system today. The first part of the new system is scheduled to deploy with Issue 19: Alpha Strike. The new system will offer players Incarnate abilities, new skills and powers that will work with existing power sets. Requires a VIP subscription. Alpha Slot Abilities are universal enhancements placed in the Alpha Slot of the Incarnate System. The Alpha Slot Abilities apply to all of your powers which would accept an enhancement of that type.


City Of Heroes Alpha Slot Abilities

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Alpha Slot City Of Heroes

from :
Issue 19: Strike Pack
The Issue 19: Strike Pack continues the new game updates introduced
with Issue 19: Alpha Strike!
Weekly Strike Target
The Weekly Strike Target is a new enhancement to the Task Forces and
Strike Forces in City of Heroes®. Every week, one or two Task Forces
or Strike Forces will be announced as the Weekly Strike Target for
that week on the City of Heroes website, NCsoft game launcher, and our
social media networks
Characters who successfully complete one of the Weekly Strike Target
receive a once a week gift of bonus XP and double merits.
For example, this week's Weekly Strike Targets are the Statesman Task
Force and the Lord Recluse Strike Force. A Level 50 Hero who completes
the Statesman Task Force earns 74 merits versus the normal 37.
Next week's Weekly Strike Target is the Imperious Task Force for both
Heroes and Villains. A Level 40 Villain who completes the Imperious
Task Force earns 52 merits versus the normal 26. The Villain also
receives a substantial XP bonus upon completing the Task Force.
In both examples, if the characters run the designated Task Force or
Strike Force a second time during the week, they earn the normal XP
and merit rewards (subject to diminishing returns). The bonuses are
only available once a week per character.
However, Heroes and Villains can still earn a new badge for selflessly
repeatedly running the Weekly Strike Target. New badges will be
unlocked upon successful completion of the Weekly Strike Target in
that fashion. Credit for successfully completing the Weekly Strike
Target even after a character has already received the bonus for the
week is cumulative over time, and the credit can be accrued over many
weeks or months.
Hero Badge Villain Badge Description
Assistant Accomplice You helped a team complete a Weekly Strike
Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.
Backup Confederate You helped 10 teams complete a Weekly Strike
Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.
Partner Conspirator You helped 50 teams complete a Weekly Strike
Target even though you already received the bonus for the week.
New Alpha Slot Tiers*
By running the Weekly Strike Target, characters can now earn a Notice
of the Well, a special Incarnate component for creating rare Alpha
Slot abilities that grant Incarnate characters a Level Shift. Notices
of the Well can also be upgraded to craft a Favor of the Well, another
new Incarnate component used in crafting very rare Alpha Slot
A character can only earn one Notice of the Well each week, and that
character must have unlocked the Alpha Slot.
Level Shift*
Rare and Very Rare Incarnate abilities can sometimes grant Incarnate
characters a Level Shift. Incarnates who benefit from a Level Shift
will find that many of their abilities are enhanced as if they were a
L51 character.
Characteristics like damage, control duration, debuff potential,
chance to hit, as well as effective defense and resistance will all be
increased, as all of these characteristics take into account the
difference in level between you and your foe.
However, a Level Shift does not actually raise the character's level
from L50 to L51. Base characteristics such as Hit Points, Endurance,
Movement Speed, Recharge will not be affected.
*Requires the City of Heroes Going Rogue expansion.